SCOPE vs. Excel – why ‘good enough’ isn’t good enough any more

“SCOPE just looks like a nice version of my Excel spreadsheet. Why would I switch when my existing process is good enough?” I’ve heard this comment enough times now to address it and write an answer to anyone else who might be asking the same question. I understand the root of this question. You’ve doubtless […]

The evolution will be productized

I’m not entirely sure how I came to find myself solving pricing for businesses. Perhaps because I recognized a problem, and I couldn’t let it go. Problem solving is after all, one of my superpowers both in life and business and I couldn’t resist the challenge. Pricing was something that just seemed so obviously wrong. […]

Agency pricing needs to be part of your Digital Transformation agenda

Pricing is key to business success so why is it not the responsibility of the top job holder in advertising and marketing services agencies? It’s a common misconception that the scope of work tool should be categorized as a back-office pricing system belonging to the finance department. Scopes and invoices are, after all, close relations […]

How did we ever scope using Excel?

A new concept today will become commonplace tomorrow. In five years’, time, you’ll look back and wonder how you ever managed without it. In this post we look at one of the last frontiers of the business process – the digital automation of scoping. On my desk sat a blue box filled with contact cards. […]

Ripping up the plan. Why scoping needs a new pattern.

We need a new way of scoping; the current system is broken. This blog digs into why and how we as an industry need to shift our focus away from the cost of time and on to the value of what’s created. It’s 2am and the studio lights are on. My pitch team and I […]

Welcome to your Excel detox. We’re here to help.

Change, even if it’s for the better, is outside of most of our comfort zones. Despite knowing there are better ways of doing things, even the best of us can get stuck in a “better the devil you know…” mindset. Old ways are a comfort blanket that’s hard to release. We understand. How comfortable are […]