Key Platform Features

Take a look at some of the key features of SCOPE Better’s Pricing Platform.

Drag & Drop Quote Builder

You can build out scopes quickly and painlessly using our intuitive drag-and-drop tool.

With a predefined list of projects, tasks, and outputs, you can assemble comprehensive scopes for complex projects in minutes.

1,000+ possible integrations

SCOPE Better easily connects with the other tools that your business is currently using.

With three different integration methods, including powerful middleware and Open APIs, we make it possible for SCOPE Better to talk back and forth with your ERP, CRM, BI, and Time/Project Management tools.

Clean and clear interface

SCOPE Better prioritizes user experience in its design.

Unlike many other CPQ tools, you won’t encounter outdated formatting and clunky design.

We’ve built a CPQ tool that is user-friendly and will never be a hassle to use.

T-shirt sizing functionality

With SCOPE Better’s handy T-Shirt sizing feature, you can instantly adjust the scale of all elements in a scope.

You can quickly and easily adjust the complexity of an item in your scope, allowing better negotiations with your end customer.

Fully customizable Document Generator

You can import your current output templates into the SCOPE Better platform and reuse them whenever needed. Additionally, you have the flexibility to thoroughly edit existing templates or easily create new ones using our custom output generator, allowing for export in Word, Excel, and PDF formats.


Approvals flow

With our 2 step approval flow capability, you can send scopes through a straightforward automated process, making sure a scope gets the necessary internal approvals before being shared externally.

Time-back tracking

Our time-back tracking feature displays a comparison between the scoped time and effort versus the actual time worked. This provides valuable insights, empowering your teams to refine pricing baselines, enhance margins, and discover valuable lessons from each created scope.

Track and Trade

SCOPE Better's track and trade functionality enables you to manage change requests on the platform, effortlessly exchanging one deliverable for another. It facilitates the tracking of changes in fees and hours, providing a transparent overview of the modifications and the individuals responsible.

Cost-plus facilitated

SCOPE Better streamlines the integration of cost-plus pricing. Admins can effortlessly set up cost-plus mark-ups in the platform's backend and then allow users to apply them to their chosen scopes, with the system handling all the necessary calculations on their behalf.

Granular permissions

Admins have the power to finely control viewing, editing and configuration permissions by user or group of users using our permissions settings. Admins can manage conflicts or internal firewalls, by value of scope, and help you to manage whether your users see rates, costs, mark-ups and margins. All controllable in line with your business requirements.

Make Pricing your Superpower

Solve The Pricing Problem and ensure your team quote the right price every single time.