Solution Spotlights

Proposal creation with multiple pricing methods

SCOPE Better makes scope creation fast and repeatable. You can select from a predefined set of services, that you can change and customise from a baseline package. We support multipliers for a wide range of pricing modalities including cost plus.

Utilizing T shirt sizes and task complexities

SCOPE Better allows you to create complexity levels for your service items. These predefined items can be searched or stared as business favourites. This allows you to scale up or down to meet budgets or client negotiations, so your teams don’t give away your value.

Working with your service baselines

SCOPE Better Admins can create business baselines – this allows a unique view of a business standard for each task. Giving you an instant reference point or target for profitability.

Uploading your SOW Word documents into Scope Better

Admin users can upload a formatted template document for the team to use. In SCOPE Better simply add the Master document and the variables in the document and you can within seconds replicate the master to a document format for your teams to use.

Creating client facing outputs with our Output generator

In one click you can create your pricing and proposal output with the SCOPE Better document generator. Creating a word, PDF or excel document. This could be a SOW, proposal, client letter or change order. Tables and charts can be inserted, and content blocks set to replicate client specific formats, or business needs giving you complete control of your document generation.

Time back into SCOPE Better

This unique view shows the time and effort scoped vs’ the time worked. It gives business insight and allows your teams to adjust your pricing baselines to ensure that the business learns from every costing or scope. Adjusting from reality to what was scoped in the first place ensures you make better margins on every Scope.

Managing your services library

The SCOPE Better Library is a repository of your services – so scoping for repeatable services is super simple. You can configure services, and upload or preload services from excel.

Managing firewalls and permission settings

SCOPE Better allows you to simply control users. Approval flows can be set so the correct user, team or item can be approved by the correct person in the business. Tracking all elements in an easy to see timeline or clear audit trail.

Creating scopes by Role

Allows you to create a task from a simple hour and role rate card. You can use predefined tasks or create a new task with hours or % of time.

Track and Trade Feature

SCOPE Better’s track and trade feature allows users to make changes to an already approved client scope within the platform, easily trading one deliverable for another. Tracking a change in fees, and hours - and giving a clear view of what has been changed and by whom.

Scoping with your service Library

With SCOPE Better you can use a predefined list of services, or you can change the services if you have permissions so that you can scope for services that are different each time.

Creating proposals using cost plus

SCOPE Better supports anyway pricing models. Cost plus is a breeze.

Find and Replace Feature

SCOPE Better’s find & replace feature allows you to search a role and then select to change that role - to another. You will see how many times the role appears in your scope and you can select to change one, more or all of the roles with your new role. It’s a simple, easy way to bulk change roles across a scope.

Make Pricing your Superpower

Solve The Pricing Problem and ensure your team quote the right price every single time.